Fear most of the time is truly dangerous. It prevents us to act for what is important. We need to make us understand that its all mind game. Fear is thought process and when we learn to control our thoughts, we learn to overcome fear which ultimately effects our actions. Here are a few tricks to cope with anxiety, fear, nervousness or whatever we wanna call that demon.
1. Experts say that if we openly admit to everyone that we are afraid or we are nervous, it works wonders for us. It magically reduces our fear to bare minimal and helps in coping up with it.
2. We can tame our mind to think that the situation is trivial or audience we are gonna face are less in number or less in experience or friends who we haven't met since 15 years :)
3. Have a feeling that facing fear will make us stronger and there is no other way except to face it.
Here is a very good blog on overcoming fear that I managed to read today....
4. Prayer is helpful in overcoming all types of fear. Faith and trust in God are perfect solutions to this human problem. It is a solution which helps us find serenity, peace and acceptance and strength. 5. Herbs, aromatherapy, laughter and slow deep breathing are additional ways to overcome all types of fear. Hope it helps us conquering our enemy number one!!!!!