We all know that finally what we are depends on the kind of associations, relationships we keep. Yet I feel its easier said than done........ Sometimes these tired relationship don't release us and sometimes its very difficult to get positive associations too....
Lets work harder to get away from skeptics kind of friends who may eat up our confidence. It would be good to dynamically move on, analyzing which one to keep and which to limit contact with. Lets create rooms for newer friends and give permission to leave those who do not match our spirits.
Getting in touch with positive people, premium friendships is not easy again. They must be busy as everyone in this era of fast pace. The best way to touch base with them is to create value in their lives by giving your efforts and services.
That way may we can get access to their lives and lasting friendship too!!!Lets not make it a selfish reason of only getting something from them but by fulfilling their needs we can make a permanent bond which will nourish our lives forever.